Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Pray for Those Who Represent Christ Poorly?

When I was in college, I got a job as a school bus driver. Although the kids were a headache sometimes, I found working with some of the other drivers to prove more challenging. Rick was in his late 20s. His crude language was offensive to me. A curse word did not occasionally slip from his mouth; rather, it was a constant flow of profanity. I wondered if he talked like that during his bus route.

My stomach really churned when Rick would invite fellow
drivers to come to his church. They all said a quick, “No.” After he walked away, some would laugh and others would make comments like, “If that’s the way they talk at his church, I’m not interested.” “He must be joking. He doesn’t go to church, does he?” “What a jerk.” Although I am normally open about my faith, I didn’t want to be associated with Rick’s critical attitude and coarse language. He was a poor representative of Christ. So, I kept silent.

Now that I look back, I considered my display of Jesus better than Rick’s. Wasn’t my sin of pride equally as bad as his speech and attitude? I had followed Christ for 11 years, but maybe he was a brand-new believer.

In Luke 22:32, Jesus said, “But I have prayed for you Simon, that your faith may not fail.” He’s the dude that panicked and fell into the waves of the Sea of Galilee. He’s the guy that cut off the ear of the soldier in the Garden of Gethsemane. Later, he denied Jesus three times and cursed when questioned about it. Peter embarrassed the cause of Christ a few times, yet many consider him a hero of the holy.

Like Jesus, I will pray for other believers that their faith may not fail. That includes Rick and all others who may represent Christ poorly. I also hope there is someone praying my faith will not fail, because I may be only seconds away from shaming my Savior. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Pray for Our Enemies?

Jesus could not have made it any plainer when he said in Luke 6:28, "Pray for those who mistreat you." (NIV) All of us have been wounded by someone. It hurts! God does not expect us to endure a deep hurt or abuse.

Reconciliation may not be possible because the other individual may not be willing to work things out. In the additional features of the DVD Unbroken, Louie Zamperini tells how he met one-by-one with the guards of his WWII POW camp and forgave them. The leader of the camp would not meet with Zamperini, but he forgave him anyway.

Whatever the circumstance, we can forgive and part of forgiveness is to pray for them. Forgiveness means we let go of the bitterness in our hearts and turn the matter over to our Lord to deal with the aggressor as needed. Holding grudges, getting revenge, and the like rob us of peace and joy. We need to be honest before God and pour out our hurts to him. He has big shoulders. This release of emotion will jump start the healing process and give us strength and courage to excuse the injustice.

Praying for politicians and for our enemies are both tall orders. Next time, I will discuss another difficult group of people we are commanded to pray for.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Pray for Politicians?

In January 2015, Gallup reported congressional members of the 114th Congress rated a 16% job approval. Many of us may be tempted to pray for their retirement. However, I doubt that is what Paul intended in 1 Timothy 2:1-2 “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”

God grants authority. This is explained in Psalms 75:6 and Romans 13. As the ultimate sovereign power, God can change a politicians mind or remove them from their position with ease. Because our Lord is in control, we can pray and trust him to make our lives safe from tyrants. Intercede for their relationship with God, their family, and wisdom as they serve our country. Also, be thankful for them. Really.

We are commanded to pray for politicians and all people according to 1 Timothy 2:1-2. Politicians are not popular people and I have others in my life who are not my favorite friends either. I’ll bet there is a difficult individual in your life as well. Check out my next blog to figure out how to pray for those rascals as well.