Many of us read 1 Thessalonians 5:17, “Pray continually,” and wonder, how? Clearly you cannot kneel in the middle of your busy office and recite the Lord’s Prayer (found in Matthew 6:9-13). When you do not have a candle or a chapel, you can quietly speak a petition in a single breath numerous times throughout the day.
In The Purpose-Drive Life, Rick Warren instructed, “You choose a brief sentence or a simple phrase that can be repeated in one breath.”
Breath prayers are short, simple, and scriptural. Here are five examples of breath prayers:
“Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” These words from 1 Samuel 3:9 quiet our hearts and keep us focused on God. These words are as essential for us as they were for Samuel as a boy.
“Lord, have mercy.” When a child or coworker disrespects us, Lord, have mercy is an intercession for us (Psalm 123:3). It can also be a cry to our Savior when we sin.
“Say the word.” Jesus praised the Roman centurion for his faith. The centurion came to Jesus asking he heal an ill servant. In Luke 7:7, he simply asked, “Say the word, and my servant will be healed.”
From Psalm 68:28, “Show your strength.” When a friend or family member is in dire need, intercede by reminding God of his power.
“When I am afraid, I will trust you.” This petition helps us to remain calm and step out in faith when fear tries to dominate us. In Psalm 56:3, David writes this supplication. This could be a great first breath prayer to teach our children/grandchildren or Sunday school class.
What are some breath prayers you have said? What verse of scripture are they from?